Message from @The Enlightened Shepherd

Discord ID: 301422782053613569

2017-04-11 18:20:18 UTC  

I've read him

2017-04-11 18:20:19 UTC  

fallot - "even the niggers behave" - most people do not even know how strange it even is that there are any niggers

2017-04-11 18:20:44 UTC  

strange how

2017-04-11 18:21:40 UTC  

Every provincial spirituality has, figurativelly speaking, Africa as it's homeland

2017-04-11 18:22:02 UTC  

But don't take this literally, I'm not pointing in direction of blacks as a group, or even towards association with them

2017-04-11 18:22:11 UTC  

why would there even be niggers in a healthy place

2017-04-11 18:22:35 UTC  

they were brought over to do slave labour

2017-04-11 18:22:44 UTC  

usual reason

2017-04-11 18:22:57 UTC  

Compare ritual, something that tries to establish unity with the higher order

2017-04-11 18:23:21 UTC  

And witchcraft, something that attempts to connect with certain energies, either benevolent or not

2017-04-11 18:24:02 UTC  

The animosity between Evangelical cults is nothing but animosity between adherents of one school of witchcraft towards the other

2017-04-11 18:24:24 UTC  

Again, I'm speaking in general dispositions

2017-04-11 18:24:33 UTC  

Understand this with a dose of flexibility

2017-04-11 18:25:00 UTC  

You can find as many or more adherents to such a worldview among Catholics or any other group

2017-04-11 18:25:07 UTC  

People are like that

2017-04-11 18:25:17 UTC  

But I'm speaking more of the general propositions of a particular theology

2017-04-11 18:25:23 UTC  

There is not much animosity between evangelicals

2017-04-11 18:25:38 UTC  

Unless you're considering Mormons evangelical or something

2017-04-11 18:26:00 UTC  

Any groups that take Bible as sole authority

2017-04-11 18:26:19 UTC  

Sola fide, Sola scriptura

2017-04-11 18:26:31 UTC  

And no high churhiness

2017-04-11 18:30:26 UTC  

Obviously, there is no need to elaborate much on how Protestantism in general, starting from Luther, ruined and profaned, or at best, democratized and primitivized everything it touched

2017-04-11 18:31:00 UTC  

Starting from it's opposition to existence of the sacral language, Latin, much similar to how Sanskrit for example was sacred to Hindus

2017-04-11 18:32:10 UTC  

To it's systematic annihilation of the sacredness and obscurity of the ritual component and it's replacement with "enchanted" flock of gospel preachers

2017-04-11 18:34:23 UTC  

there is tons of animosity between christian sects

2017-04-11 18:34:59 UTC  

although it's pretty hard to say protestantism was a step down when you realize how dalit the catholic church was from the start

2017-04-11 18:35:06 UTC  


2017-04-11 18:35:43 UTC  

it's like the difference between having one big organized tumor vs a million tiny independent tumors

2017-04-11 18:35:47 UTC  

either way it's still cancer

2017-04-11 18:35:59 UTC  

Protestantism was certanly a step down since it put empasis on preciselly that which was rotten in Christianity, while completely opposing that which was good

2017-04-11 18:36:15 UTC  

I don't know if that's true

2017-04-11 18:36:35 UTC  

That's the standard evolian tradfag position

2017-04-11 18:36:53 UTC  

The more you get to know actual old fashioned protestants, the harder it is to believe

2017-04-11 18:36:58 UTC  

@Deleted User 57835c2c Is this for example, a superior thinking to Protestantism, or inferior

2017-04-11 18:37:36 UTC  

a catholic exhibiting smartism is still a catholic wog dalit licking nigger feet

2017-04-11 18:37:43 UTC  

@devolved I'm not talking about individuals here, who can always act as superior personalities

2017-04-11 18:37:51 UTC  

even if their pope was holy and great, it is still their fault southern europe is brown instead of nordic

2017-04-11 18:37:52 UTC  

I'm talking about general dispositions of these faiths

2017-04-11 18:38:20 UTC  

"me smart me book hard 2 read :)"

2017-04-11 18:38:27 UTC  
