Message from @Ætos
Discord ID: 550180260751343640
@DummyBoul Hey 😃
Conveniently I am legally underage in my state because an extra year helps spare a tear.
*I still have no rights in my state.*
Can you type that in here @Human Sheeple
Jesus spoke out against certain Jewish sects that practiced sodomy on unwilling people
The original self hating jew
But it really was just people in power corrupting the local law for their own gains. Nothing really related to religion, religion was just the power establishment back then.
Sheeple, why do you stay in the FE society discord? The admins there are total bullies
Have a good one guys! Hope y’all do okay out there!
Because I like to wreck them with first hand FE witness testimony
But once you put some valid arguments on the table they just ignore it and go full on personal insults instead.
*cough* *cough* ~~I don’t think Kalerteth is a real FE~~ *cough*
Anyhow Night guys
Good night
He/she/it is on the fence about the issue
He. I got a big schlong
Anyhow I should actually make do on my word. Hope you all have a good one, cheers guys.
@Kalerteth Easy
I though this discord was a mix of flat earth and game of thrones
@tha cheeseburger is a sheep burger 🐑
found it
Sargant and steere both admitted they're globers
Go to the mark
They're talking to their producers
Yes, that video is smear.
Hello fellow truth seekers
***Question Of The Day #15***
Are there health risks associated with 5G technology?
Please speak your mind here in the <#484514023698726912> 😃