Message from @rsashe1980
Discord ID: 339982085379063808
balanced diet
eat meat, eat grains and vegetables, eat fat
fantasy writing, perenially uncool, has finally caught up to the identity politics people as a genre. The old cool thing was "grimdark" crypto-christian morality plays that follow the american tradition of objectifying violence
the new cool thing is settings that aren't "european" and feature a diverse cast
That's retarded.
except they still just continue to ape tolkien, they just stick it in the chinese skin or the african skin or whatever
so it's extra retarded
Tolkein had blacks and Arabs as gullible savages.
yeah. easterlings and haradrim
And hordes of easterlings
Who are supposed to be asiastics
And some Russians.
Gondor is Byzantium and Arnor is Western Europe
was Rhun supposed to be russians?
And unlike Peter Jackson
Umbar was like north african
It's supposed to be like 1000ad
Or 1100
Yeah, except he left the tech level in the shire anachronistically high. I think they had a whole postal service
which I have no issue with lol
The shire is olde England
Which is where Peter Jackson got confused.
I hope when kid rock wins his inaugural speech goes MY NAME IS KIIIIIIIIIIIII..."
Their costumes are like 17th century peasant clothes.
In his movie.
pepe kekson
Also Frodo is supposed to be like 40-50 something
And Sam like 25
And Frodo is the officer and Sam is his batman
No one ever wants to join voice
They're not gay or chummy at all
The movies made frodo a lot less socially superior to sam
The movies made Frodo a bitch
And made him attack Sam and dumb shit
And fucked the ending
Where he straight up just takes the ring.
Like Isildur did.
And gollum bites his finger off.