Message from @Deleted User 57835c2c
Discord ID: 343526712157667329
@UOC serious criminal defense attorneys also don't make money a lot of the time
if you're accused of a serious crime, you only get paid if you win
shkreli's lawyers are getting his bail money
which was his etrade account that he cashed out
and firesaled
they're not gonnaget paid in full and raised their rates so that he can't afford them anymore as he's an autistic retard who hurt his own chance of even getting a slap on the wrist
you don't call a mean old japanese women junior varsity when she is a judge as she is a mean old japanese woman
he seems like he is significantly less rich and powerful than he believes
like he has some solid albanian poker face game, but he's still bluffing
fuck serious criminal defense work
the real money is in either providing cursory legal work to vast numbers of poor saps with poor sap problems
finding and exploiting some government or corporate noncompliance by suing.
as a class action
here is an idea I've had - class action suits against national fraternities and sororities for hazing practices
if it were me, I would look at boomers as a target victim group
then I'd try to narrow down different groups of boomers until I found the ones who were most at risk of suit and least prepared
I know a guy who made a lot of millions of dollars suing retirement homes for mistreatment of their charges
you could do that easy nigga
I think another good target is property management companies because they are almost never actually following state law obligations about how they need to operate
I might watch a shitload of street fights
real ones are just likely to be flailing blacks @Deleted User 57835c2c aren't they
lame, could have been better
the communism sucks bit, sucks
Cumunism suck would've been better
Ayn Rand was a terrible person
which carries over into her philosophy
she endorsed being a sexual libertine
they should dig up her body and put her in the trash
I agree
the sex stuff was probably Jewishness
coming out
If you mean with all Lolbertarians joining her in the trash, I can't disagree.
of course I agree with that
she does belong in a landfill, as opposed to a grave
it's so funny how wrong people are about how culture works