Message from @Deleted User 57835c2c
Discord ID: 343532074109501441
most retirement homes are cockroach boxes that make fun of their geezers for being old
I think another good target is property management companies because they are almost never actually following state law obligations about how they need to operate
I might watch a shitload of street fights
real ones are just likely to be flailing blacks @Deleted User 57835c2c aren't they
lame, could have been better
the communism sucks bit, sucks
Cumunism suck would've been better
Ayn Rand was a terrible person
which carries over into her philosophy
she endorsed being a sexual libertine
they should dig up her body and put her in the trash
I agree
the sex stuff was probably Jewishness
coming out
If you mean with all Lolbertarians joining her in the trash, I can't disagree.
of course I agree with that
she does belong in a landfill, as opposed to a grave
easy to be wrong about with incorrect basic assumptions about reality and existence
in reality you can just force people to do something and after a while they will rationalize that they chose it
not quite that simple, but the process you refer to exists certainly
just put a gun to their head and force them to be conservative or else death and eventually it will just be their culture and you can put the gun down
when people are forced to do something, they may rationalize it
that's more likely to be a generational effect
the people who you put the gun to may not ever be true believers
but their children and children's children may be
well yeah, the first gen will still remember the old way, the second won't
however that's no guarantee either
look at the Donmeh in Turkey
why do you do this bro
their leader became Muslim on threat of death by the Sultan
why do you split hairs
just telling it how it is
its not splitting hairs
if you say its one way, but it isn't, that has to be said surely
if you don't want me to say anything, just say you don't care
the case of the Donmeh is instructive