Message from @Puzzloo
Discord ID: 552178841058017302
It's idiotic but if they are right it's not.
The thing is
They aren't
It's idiotic if the vaccines aren't fake, but it's smart if it's fake.
We're dealing with uncertainty here.
It's a thing of both sides.
No man
This is not a thing about opinion
Those are scientific facts
Facts are a subjective opinion that is acknowledge by a massive group of people.
Not true
You can look up what a fact is.
Definetly not true
You are very wrong my friend
You are not good at debates.
Science doesn't work that way
"Science doesn't work that way."
Science is ever changing.
Look, I am really happy to explain how science works to you
Eh, it sometimes does work that way, but generally not in medical science
But it'll take a while
Psuedo science, sounds good doesnt work
So i first give a short comment asnd listen
I'm listening.
Do you guys want me to explain when something becomes a fact?
Okay good, because I am a very scientific thinking person myself
Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors, I am german not american or anything with english as native language
Good for you, think skeptically
Skeptical thinking is a good thing.
Thats true
But you have to learn when to have faith.
But only if you have toe abilities and resources
But let me explain
Do you know what correlation is?