Message from @fallot
Discord ID: 360295972984586251
or even apathy toward divine beings
stupid westerners like to adopt their bastardized version of buddhism because they want a religion but have a bunch of baggage from rebelling against their parents making them go to church when they were kids
or think their own western spiritual tradition is bigoted or some shit
zen still has clear moral precepts regarding sexual conduct and other things
check it out
blame stupid faggots like alan watts and dt suzuki for infecting the western mind with the watered down turn your brain off idiocy that is zen in the west today
christ is king
anātman is incoherent
the iconography is sick though
@MOS MAIORVM (AKA Sola) i'm so tired of shitty electronic trap sounding music and scenes from 300 in alt-right videos
westerners often seem to think that tibetan buddhism is the most enlightened
which would make sense per @fallot since it's occultism and satan is behind all this stuff
it's by far the most obscurantist
which makes it the most attractive
good video @MOS MAIORVM (AKA Sola)
at least the central point is good
europeans have stopped having children and they don't even feel its a big deal
but I've come to recognize
this is a temporary thing
tibetan buddhism is also big on gurus and supposed chains of transmission
and lost westerners love to have a guru
case in point: the huge followings of morons that bearded indian pedophiles get in the west
iskcon too
prosperity preachers in their own way
i guess i kind of lump it all together as evil swindlers
swindlers seem to have a hierarchy too
from fallen people with genuine insight
to pure scammers
Ex*cuse* me?: did you just make me accutely aware that my body odor is being taken as a reflection of my *ra*ce?
because if so ? we have a *priv*elege problem here, bucko.
"which fans say"
there's a big pride event in my city the coming days
is it wrong to go and take pictures of the mentally ill
not as long as you share them with the class
They are spiritually ill