Message from @༺པརབྱར།བསངཇ༻

Discord ID: 377317418294444033

2017-11-07 04:18:28 UTC  

were the twin towers demo'ed, or did they structurally fail by the impact, of what amounts to being slammed with an apple in a sock ?

2017-11-07 04:19:58 UTC  

so the jews get wealthy off a society and push an agenda that is intended to destroy it, which is going to take all the wealth and privilege they enjoy with it, for the purpose of ruling over rubble with nothing in hand?

2017-11-07 04:20:23 UTC  


2017-11-07 04:21:20 UTC  

extract all they can, and a portion of them stay behind to rule over the defeated, while the rest of them move on to another host civilization, to repeat the process

2017-11-07 04:21:58 UTC  

Extracted and sent where?

2017-11-07 04:22:34 UTC  

what is 'the tricke down effect ' ?

2017-11-07 04:23:08 UTC  

money flows up, debt flows down

2017-11-07 04:23:41 UTC  

and among the common populace, debt and fiat currency becomes the New Money Standard

2017-11-07 04:24:06 UTC  

But if you collapse a society that money is just useless tokens

2017-11-07 04:24:44 UTC  

And most people in declining and falling societies who did horde coin got raided and killed

2017-11-07 04:25:10 UTC  

true, but this is why jews typically jump ship just before they induce the collapse

2017-11-07 04:25:47 UTC  

either that or they go to ground and hide, only to emerge later as the rulers of the region

2017-11-07 04:28:37 UTC  

Seems like a lot of trouble. Wouldn't it make more sense to keep things going so Jews can keep their standard of living rather than start over constantly?

2017-11-07 04:29:21 UTC  

I mean you said they've already basically climbed the ladder

2017-11-07 04:31:39 UTC  

normally, that would make sense, from an individualistic perspective, but we are dealing with a people who are more or less collectivist, even if they dont really know it.

2017-11-07 04:33:12 UTC  

jews, like dogs, apparently have certain innate drives and tendencies, which breeds friction and conflict with regards to interacting with aryan and caucasoid and celtic whites

2017-11-07 04:38:03 UTC  

Ancestral lines conflict all the time

2017-11-07 04:38:27 UTC  

Why are the Jews actively working against their own collective interests?

2017-11-07 04:40:44 UTC  

because a dog has no fuckin clue what to do with a car, once (or if) he catches it

2017-11-07 04:40:56 UTC  
2017-11-07 04:44:42 UTC  

I see

2017-11-07 04:44:44 UTC  

now that jews have caught their goal (being the power elite of a country/society) they don't really know what to do, so, out of collective habit, they keep on doing the same things, and now (most ironically) they're undercutting themselves, but they just can't stop. it's like a runaway malfunctioning robot assembly line, going nuts and throwing people into incidental meat grinders and such.

2017-11-07 04:45:19 UTC  

Have they tried prayer?

2017-11-07 04:45:28 UTC  

i dont know

2017-11-07 04:45:33 UTC  

im not a jew

2017-11-07 04:45:59 UTC  

obviously, this is too bold to have come from a Jew.

2017-11-07 04:47:09 UTC  

i don't see it as bold, i see it as stating a truth that people have been conditioned to not see and/or not speak about.

2017-11-07 04:58:38 UTC  

@Mother im pretty sure that the hang-out session with Bright, on wednesday, is definitely off.

2017-11-07 05:02:33 UTC  

not sure about the white shirts, but im of a gothic bent, so .... -shrugs ?-

2017-11-07 05:10:53 UTC  

this video and muhammed ali, is correct in their points of purpose.

2017-11-07 05:12:26 UTC  

homogony is a successful strategy

2017-11-07 05:14:32 UTC  

and you're right the collective mentality of jews is tohave divergent viewpoints and lifestyles

2017-11-07 05:14:43 UTC  

and theyre highly collectivist

2017-11-07 05:17:21 UTC  

as a star seed, i have observed that 'Birds of a Feather' even holds true out beyond earth; people and races tend to stick to their own kind, draconians with draconians, pleiadians with pleiadians, andromedans with andromedans, dolphinoids with dolphinoids, mantises with mantises, and on, and on, and on. One may see a ship, every so often, with a fairly diverse crew, but that really only lasts for a campaign or two. Soon enough, they are rotated out, and go back to a deployment region which has more of their own kind amongst them.

2017-11-07 05:17:47 UTC  

yeah i dont do enough ketamine

2017-11-07 05:18:45 UTC  

who said anything about spirituality inducing substances ?

2017-11-07 05:19:36 UTC  

how is the white race genetically superior if they can so easily be devolved by mutagenic contact

2017-11-07 05:20:25 UTC  

because white people, near as i can figure, are not originally native to Erth

2017-11-07 05:20:43 UTC  

that would explain a lot