Message from @UOC

Discord ID: 398580167347404800

2018-01-04 20:52:46 UTC  


2018-01-04 20:52:52 UTC  

i can't believe that went over your head @༺པརབྱར།བསངཇ༻

2018-01-04 20:53:02 UTC  

Sorry I'm working

2018-01-04 20:53:04 UTC  

the world keeps on turning

2018-01-04 20:53:07 UTC  

Half in and out

2018-01-04 20:53:17 UTC  

put it in deep when you're here

2018-01-04 20:54:01 UTC  

any forney fanatics please send me his best publication

2018-01-04 20:54:15 UTC  

this guy used to be ferdinand bardamu right?

2018-01-04 20:54:23 UTC  

I like Prokofiev a lot but his Overture on Hebrew Themes sounds a lot like the Donkey Kong 64 soundtrack to me

2018-01-04 20:54:29 UTC  

I'm suspicious of anyone who does MRA/MGTOW stuff

2018-01-04 20:54:36 UTC  

he used to go by that name?

2018-01-04 20:54:49 UTC  


2018-01-04 20:54:57 UTC  

was an early dude

2018-01-04 20:54:57 UTC  

"Hey goy, the best way to improve your life is to never have white children"

2018-01-04 20:55:01 UTC  

and yes via MRA shit

2018-01-04 20:55:03 UTC  

I feel like MRA/MGTOW people are people who have a tiny ember of the truth

2018-01-04 20:55:11 UTC  

but I think had some back and forth with prozak of some sort

2018-01-04 20:55:14 UTC  

may be very superficial

2018-01-04 20:55:16 UTC  

just blog lists

2018-01-04 20:55:17 UTC  

and then extrapolate wrongly and selfishly from there

2018-01-04 20:55:25 UTC  

I dont remember him being particularly terrible

2018-01-04 20:55:27 UTC  

but I didn't read it

2018-01-04 20:55:31 UTC  

so he may have some legit cred

2018-01-04 20:55:37 UTC  

but dude is a fucking loser who needs to disappear

2018-01-04 20:55:58 UTC  

I don't think they are intentionally subversive, but they have definitely been tricked into an anti-white movement

2018-01-04 20:56:11 UTC  

I figure since the country is run by Jews the best shot my kids have at succeeding is for them to be Jewish.

2018-01-04 20:56:14 UTC  

We can't make white people without women

2018-01-04 20:56:21 UTC  

not all mra types are right wing

2018-01-04 20:56:31 UTC  

what puts them in the umbrella is anti leftism

2018-01-04 20:56:33 UTC  

like all the other groups

2018-01-04 20:56:50 UTC  

(((Other groups)))

2018-01-04 20:57:03 UTC  

like catholics, transhumanists

2018-01-04 20:57:04 UTC  


2018-01-04 20:57:56 UTC  

The problem with women is that they're degenerate hoors! What? Yeah me and my buds plot to get them to fuck us with the intent to abandon them - why do you ask?

2018-01-04 20:58:02 UTC  

@༺པརབྱར།བསངཇ༻ That's a good idea if you want literal demons as children

2018-01-04 20:58:48 UTC  

@UOC Those "pump and dump" "redpill" types are even worse than MRA/MGTOW

2018-01-04 20:59:17 UTC  

They're judaized to the extreme

2018-01-04 20:59:57 UTC  

yeah they have a crazy amount of like internal moral dissonance going on. it makes them impossible to talk to

2018-01-04 20:59:59 UTC  

I wonder what MRA spergs would say to my fundamentalist mormon attitude

2018-01-04 21:00:33 UTC  

@Exilarch you'd get banned immediately they literally just ban any conversation about morality so they can avoid thinking about it