Message from @☯Ultra Supreme Elder Lord☯

Discord ID: 403685915525906455

2018-01-18 20:40:10 UTC  

I ask you the same thing

2018-01-18 20:40:17 UTC  

So what that they're piggybacking on favourable circumstances?

2018-01-18 20:40:33 UTC  

They're using them to do this

2018-01-18 20:40:42 UTC  

That people want to come to America allows for this strategy

2018-01-18 20:40:59 UTC  

A friend of mine was at a Sanders rally and there were some socialists there handing out pamphlets about the need to rise up but they were pretty resolutely ignored.

2018-01-18 20:41:32 UTC  

Clearly illustrating that the Frankfurt strategy was more effective

2018-01-18 20:41:46 UTC  


2018-01-18 20:51:02 UTC  

brett stevens with another banging guest column in the NYT

2018-01-18 20:51:33 UTC  

Here’s a thought experiment: Would the United States have been better off if it had banned Jewish immigration sometime in the late 19th century, so that the immigrant parents of Rosenberg and Sobell had never set foot here? The question is worth asking, because so many of the same arguments made against African, Latin-American and Muslim immigrants today might have easily been applied to Jews just over a century ago.

2018-01-18 21:55:22 UTC  

This is how to record true necro sound black metal:

2018-01-18 22:01:14 UTC  

Fukkin tinitus man

2018-01-18 22:14:46 UTC  

@devolved lol that article

2018-01-18 22:59:15 UTC  

fake news

2018-01-18 22:59:19 UTC  

*ctrl F - Demons*
`no results found on page`

2018-01-18 23:01:32 UTC  

I like how devolved read it all and explains why it's wrong

2018-01-18 23:01:56 UTC  

The way he explained the real reason for each of the findings is very impressive

2018-01-18 23:03:42 UTC  

only the Daily Mail and Breitbart are credible and objective sources of climate science

2018-01-18 23:04:42 UTC  

I personally don't even care. If there is no collapse I'll just live in a cold forested area and if there is collapse I'll do the same plus cannibalism

2018-01-18 23:05:23 UTC  

I literally could not be more neutral on the topic, I don't give a fraction of a fuck

2018-01-18 23:05:50 UTC  

I just can't understand the way altright retards act about it

2018-01-18 23:06:12 UTC  

It's fake news because if climate change did real than the planet would have moar green

2018-01-18 23:07:17 UTC  

They just randomly decided climate change was fake because liberals care about it

2018-01-18 23:07:24 UTC  

100% of climate change attributed to human activity

2018-01-18 23:07:29 UTC  


2018-01-18 23:07:33 UTC  

seems legit

2018-01-18 23:07:55 UTC  

did you even look at the picture

2018-01-18 23:08:13 UTC  

I think the altright should make every member prove they have a degree in something before admitting them to the movement

2018-01-18 23:08:39 UTC  

*falls between the banhammer and the anvil*

2018-01-18 23:08:49 UTC  

banhammer readied

2018-01-18 23:08:52 UTC  

daily reminder that plants only need carbon to survive. Rainfall? Fertile soil? Unbroken land? Surely you jest

2018-01-18 23:09:36 UTC  

liberals made California winterless and drought-prone for the last few years using their HAARP tricknology

2018-01-18 23:09:52 UTC  

Yeah good thing there is no such thing as a hardiness zone

2018-01-18 23:10:19 UTC  

forums should have a test asking what that is and which gases are grounhouse, etc.

2018-01-18 23:10:23 UTC  

filter out the unknowing

2018-01-18 23:10:56 UTC  

roundhouse gasses

2018-01-18 23:11:17 UTC  

that would be the trick question on the test

2018-01-18 23:11:45 UTC  

Filter out septemberists