Message from @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids
Discord ID: 554217831034650636
how are you
Alive lol 😝
i guess thats a good thing.
I guess
im glad your still alive.
@Citizen Z arnt you a mod in flat earth 24/7
correct me if im wrong, do you drink an get stoned.
cause i kinda rember you doing both.
or maybe its a different person, nevermind.
weed for the win am i right
i usually smoke it on the weekends, I try not to abuse it.
super rare for me
yea i have some friends that i grew up with, but they only like smoke it 2 or 3 times a yea.
but, they drink alot tho.
same here
yea, its bad for our health. But i guess its not that bad if you dont abuse the alcohol.
some people drink to just chill an talk, some drink to get drunk.
but weed & alcohol can be come easy to abuse, when the world fuks with you to much & you been hurt to much.
is it healthy though
not really.
yet people still do it, like me.
really makes me question doing drugs or drinking
how come
because i dont want to get addicted to either
i see, i use to be addicted to drugs from the age of 16 to 19. Then i replaced the drugs with alcohol was addicted to that from 19 to 21. Now im not addicted to either, but i still both on the weekends.
how does one get into that kind of stuff if you dont mind me asking
well when i was teen, i just wanted to have fun & be happy. Fell on the drugs, cause at that age i liked being alone because i was a quiet person.
the quietness got to you
demons are truly the worse type of drug my dude
to be honnest
i've seen a demon before when i was on a few drugs.
well cocaine is one hell of a drug ive heard
diffrent drugs open up different gateways.
for example, i know alot of good girls.