Message from @DaBears (Fritz_)
Discord ID: 363146665529442317
nice stolen meme
You've heard of Elf on a Shelf...
... but have you heard that the U.S.S.R. murdered roughly seven million Ukrainians in one year through man-made starvation by confiscating all food and exporting it ... and then would do a similar thing during the second world war by exporting tons of food to the German Reich as its own citizens starved?
does anyone have a link to the guy who tried asking someone out back on the old CC?
>tfw a shitposter wants to be laid
<@175466435890380800> No shilling for other Discord servers
<@175466435890380800> We haven't partnered with you, so I have to delete the link. If you're interested in a partnership, DM Composers or .thnky
<@175466435890380800> I know who you are
*Once I asked*
<@175466435890380800> 's apartment smells of rich mahogany. He has many leather bound books
from tonite^
should be every night^
<:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184> <:DabBoi:362790949446877184>