Message from @But A Goblin🍄
Discord ID: 554515908362502145
Whats up
Oh damn ben
Above just got rickrolled.
i attack my uncles chickens with plastic forks so they have a chance of survival
When you join a flat earth server and you get greeted with people saying flat earth is fake and racial slurs
That actually pissed me off, even if it was a troll
Cheeto it’s okay
racism is immoral bs
You’ll be fine love
oh @Cheeto? 🙃 whats up its john stamos from that other server you raided
i left for like 10 mins what's happening
How tf did u already lvl up @But A Goblin🍄
I am very awake
i was here since 7 PM lmao
Speaking @Cheeto? 🙃
@But A Goblin🍄 SPeak
Are people I VC reading this?
in and not in yes
next person to say something is a homosexual
i am a raging homiesexual
Alright, @Matt Shaking RN has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.
It’s ya boi depresso
Same lawsuit
what u have something against my homiesuality
God is sad now
god is always sad
Oh no I'm not a hom
Being homo is ok
Sorry I'm back, i had to go mute someone in a server