Message from @Fezzico
Discord ID: 368858343726514186
Comics originally created for adults to understand politics?
it reduces what it means to be a functioning adult
i dont care about comiccon and i see what its used for
self gratification
Original comics are clearly for children.
fuck that shit
Wanna understand pollytics guys?
Read this!
Batman will teach you about how the Jew is destroying the American civilization!
Guys I watch my little pony.
It's deep.
Its a success.
It teaches me about pollytocks!
"Adults" if you disagree, you're insulting American culture.
A lot of movies are based of our foundation myth wtf is that?
Why are bronys bad
They don't hurt anyone
>mfw I get muted for trying to have a conversation but people who are speaking over others aren't
what is Neuroticism ?
look it up
i did, it says personality trait