Message from @🅱oomer Ted Cruz
Discord ID: 363522724066230272
picking up SPD again means that AFD becomes the main opposition party
in comparison to the US its like giving them the house minority leader or senate minority leader. All those posts
which gives them a lot of power
or merkel declares she cannot form a government and they vote again usually meaning they lose even more seats
At home. Around the world. Around the clock. Purge pedos
Join the Marines
Managerial differences
No state
What is with this girl and mexican
Does she not realize some mexicans are legal
They don’t want closed borders
What’s the argument on what i was saying about bullying kids earlier like two days ago. This sums up my views well. and if anyone knows Sam Hyde, he embed his comedy with things he believes in
What’s up shoe polish Pete
If you took the three main racial groups and stuck them each in the exact same environment and came back 2000 years later would they have different cultures?
If you took three groups of the same race at the same stage of development and put them in different environments would they have the same culture?
that's retarded
you're implying culture = race
Is Steve Bannon Barron Trump from the future?
they look kinda similar
So what are everyone's thoughts about the Catalonia and Kurdistan referendums for secession?
Personally I'm of the opinion that both are good things. Spain is socialist, and anything that breaks a socialist nation up is good in my opinion, and Kurds have historically been allies of the West, in contrast to their Iran-aligned and Ba'ath-filled Iraqi counterparts.
I agree with everything
I should have posted this here
Win the culture war. Politics is downstream from culture.
Why are you posting a comic here
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