Message from @Foxy
Discord ID: 374285947938013184
@Foxy Sissy
Wtf man I don't need to waste my time with a Matt dillahunty wanna be how about he comes to a room I set up for a debate then I'll mute him while I make my points
Have you got a point you want to make
Wow. I'd rather not write essays.
So it's done then
matt literally who?
The guy from atheist experience muted callers all the time sometimes for no reason
That's because they blurted a lot like you
It used to be a cable access show
What did I blert out
Just saying
Exactly no point to make
<@&350739960602689547> whats the debate for tonight?
Atheism is an irrational world veiw
only atheist i know of, is the amazing atheist
@sithfreeman will be posting it
aka. the banana butt guy
True atheism involves auto-sodomization by banana
Agreed it's a fundamental part of the rational that they use as a base to build logical argument from
Enjoy your atheist circle jerk
Other religions sodomize children and goats instead
it's a lesser evil to only sodomize yourself with a banana
<@&356269253453938690> as a way to get high quality debates and discussions going on we will be pinging this role once a day and doing a "question of the day" type thing where we will debate/discussed topics
right now we will be debating theology with the one and only @Darth Dawkins in voice chat if you are a text user debate about theology in the <#356277119862439937> text channel if you have suggestions for future topics of the day or suggestions in general post them in <#363569734001754113> 🙂 ❤ and if you would like not to be pinged everyday ping a mod and ask to get the serious user role taken away
What kind of theological debating?
anything that involves theology
is god gay
The cake is a lie
Although it keeps a society together
Oddly enough, I find my Christian buddies to be more open minded than atheists these days
I follow christianity simply because of the morals imposed by it
Who here has seen JBP on the Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories?
What establishes that god exists? @Darth Dawkins
Beyond your belief, and various books
But it's been written, translated, and rewritten so many times
I see the bible as a compilation of explanations, for parents to tell their kids