Message from @AuContraire
Discord ID: 374284298397810688
Waste gash
Seriously if you can't handle an actual debate boohoo
Who do you think you are Matt dillahunty
Lmao uneducated insults are of no use
Muting people isn't how to have a debate
I unmuted you after I'd done talking
he wasn't tryina debate u lmao
What insult
how are you not comprehending he's shitposting you
are you autistic
I didn't hear you say anything mate
I'm just highlighting the fact he's a gorm
you're wasting energy
he knows what he is
When does the chat master come on
you still having post-tantrums
Come back then Foxy
I don't want to we had a chance to have a good chat but you decided to go for another circle jerk instead just keep watching reruns of Dawkins an Krauss on YouTube you will enjoy that
Wtf man I don't need to waste my time with a Matt dillahunty wanna be how about he comes to a room I set up for a debate then I'll mute him while I make my points
Have you got a point you want to make
Wow. I'd rather not write essays.
So it's done then
matt literally who?
The guy from atheist experience muted callers all the time sometimes for no reason
That's because they blurted a lot like you
It used to be a cable access show
What did I blert out
Just saying
Exactly no point to make
<@&350739960602689547> whats the debate for tonight?
Atheism is an irrational world veiw
only atheist i know of, is the amazing atheist
@sithfreeman will be posting it
aka. the banana butt guy
That's gay who even subs that guy