Message from @amygdala
Discord ID: 362842363502002176
Open sores =|= vaginas
I fingered a redhead
redheads are crazy
did it burn
50% of chatters with crusader avatars are secret traps
wew lad
That's fake! You made it up! You're a phony!
is that true @trent
why did you expose me
are you a shim
holy fuck
steve busted you out trent
can we mark traps so that we all know who are traps and who aren't?
i cant deal with myself
maybe with a star to represent their busted assholes
bye amy
Checkmate guys.
@FractalDi that sounds awfully nazi of you
No, a little yellow star that says "Jude"
@amygdala invite me back when theyre gone
Its perfect
fucking uncultured swine, you will never understand the beauty a trap, its the best of bth worlds
>their cute
>have mad sex drive
>know exactly what you want
>the feminine dick makes it better
i cant deal with it they're talking about their blackness
Everyone's been playing checkers, but I've been playing chess for years.
@FractalDi what?
NigRon James
@DaBears (Fritz_) it's still gay
I am back