Message from @Blood
Discord ID: 362862998412460044
No, you're welcome here
To be clear, fascism is national socialism, where the people are bounded by nationality, as opposed to communism, where the people are instead united by enconomic class
but being a leftist, it's fair that you be identified as a cuck
fascism and communism end up being the same in practice
Also, national socialism is still socialism
lol the memes ive seen of cucks are always whites like seing their wives fucked by black dudes, im not into that
Fascism is arguably more centrist than socialism, but Mussolini was a leftist at heart
...and not a whole lot of people actually know this. They think because Hitler invaded Russia they must be opposite ideologically but it was just the competition for power
@Fusion true, on both of those points
Mussolini himself was a socialist before he developed the concept of fascism
thus fascism naturally borrowed a lot from Marxism, socialism, and communism which had preceded it
were am I?
In a place where you will receive headpats :3
woop woop
I've been througn socialism. It sucks.
Socialism - any form - also necessiates totalitarianism, so that the individual exists as a means to the ends of the state, always in the name of the common good. Collectivism and big government is prioritized over individualism and limited government
Well, when I've reached maturity it was already falling apart
Thanks Gorbachev
@Clonemaster™ 6.41 socialism does not have a standard definition, it varies depending on the country/people doing it
usually a response to capitalism failling a people
for instance in venzuela it is called " chavismo"
I don't recall there having been a socialist regime without an authoritarian/totalitarian government
It's what must be done in order for the government's centralized planning to be upheld. It's essential.
for instance in venzuela it is called " chavismo"
Gave most of you serious user and removed @Blood cuck role so if your debate ever gets memed up in main chat you can move to <#356277119862439937> 🙂
And some countries espouse socialsim but aren't willing to do what's necessary to enact it wholly.
So they're not really socialist
At least, the economy isn't
@Clonemaster™ 6.41 true
What *is* 'real socialism', in your view?