Message from @jordan
Discord ID: 362975793560682496
tell them other kids
u got backup
Whytho how long till you get a trap gf
only its more liek 2/3 guys conservative slightly over half girls liberal
have to hide my power level in school <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>
3.1 GDP! 3.1 GDP! 3.1 GDP!
nah erik just likes to sit in the back of the class and shitpost while hoping the girl in the front row turns around says hi to him
xd rekt
you mean you're not anonymous so you can't say what you say when you're protected by anonymity online
im a non hapa elliot rodger
then ur not a true trump supporter
everybody here is a alpha
I haven't hidden my power level.
I dont discuss politics in public
its stupid
u cant be a trump supporter without being alpha asf
I don't hide my power level
probably because you'd get fucking destroyed
by anyone with a brain
I support the trumpian movement, but I won't support Trump if he doesn't follow through.
Im not a trump supporter
I trap boys irl
I got called a fascist yesterday
Nah, everyone is retarded
i wish you'd get banned
the only person i discuss politics with is my commie friend
>my commie friend
cuck whytho
because he actually understands politics