Message from @amygdala
Discord ID: 362976652520718336
@king what do you think?
Nazis burned books while antifa tears down statues
TBH I hate horseshoe theory
people who yell should be tortureed
t. whytho
@StevePines -WA uwu
I donโt remember what it was called
so whytho the most alpha thing uve done is yel at people
So I made up my own name
you dont know what the fuck fascism is mate
StevePines irl:
๐ ๐
>fascism is communism
@fr true that. But at least liberals aren't a physical threat... (There is some light at the end of the tunnel)
Send me the pictures
So I can post
the timestamp outside his house
Facism = Communism concerning propoganda and censorship. That's where the similarities end for me to be honest.
and the water story
The one with his name
"He did something he enjoyed on the weekend where he had nothing else to do, how pathetic"
Oh itโs kristallnacht
>he drove two hours to sit outside a trap's house
I like my name better
@trent huh what
I enjoy driving
i enjoy driving
i sent that like 20 mins ago
whytho real question here
And i got donuts OwO
Facism=communism??? Communism is the best mankind created. You cant use both of them in one sentence... They are worlds apart
why havent u kiled urself yet