Message from @Kami
Discord ID: 363011760631971843
@Drakus_ me irl
"Guys, guys, guys... guys... what if... guys... what if... guys, what if, hang on guys, hear me out... what if there's a universe... guys, what if there's a universe where weed... SMOKES US!?!? Holy shit, I'm really fucked up guys. What was in that wine cooler?"
this server has 1700 members 😃
What's wrong with anti-semitism?
its bigoted
i will hack you now nigger :)
oh daddy 😩
this is like any physicist
who drinks
o i see youre larping again
which is all physicists
@Scary_Clown I like you better when you're real = CloudFlare
@VicariousJambi I don't.
o shit
>old white men in power
@Scary_Clown But i do.
shit man
>in power
@Drakus_ when the left cannibalizes the left, he was a big supporter of the DNC and gay marriage lol
literally sold his house because he was broke
the FBI killed kennedy
Hugh Hefner loved to donate to the democrats
he should have quicksaved before entering the limo @🚂Quatroking🚂 (🇳🇱)
noob move
ye right