Message from @hansax
Discord ID: 363014147702521866
>Norway is better than the USA
>daddy usa pls protect Norway from russia
guys, you know the military doesn't make the country better too live in
ayy lmao this art textbook has titties in it
@Alasdair (Joseph) check out <#356271441265688578>
@Alasdair (Joseph) <#356271441265688578>
@Scary_Clown Norway have a long friendship with Russia back in time
Who is going to tell her?
I'll tell you right now if any major country dismantled its entire military it would definitely not be a good place to live for long
@🚂Quatroking🚂 (🇳🇱) you're not even an American.
You will never have my vote.
didn't we *just* coup over anime
@Scary_Clown you don't have a vote to begin with
K, so, interesting discussion going on.
@jordan oh yeah lemme fix that
@hansax European blood
your civil war wasn't that big
updated nick
@Scary_Clown wel lif you think that all the white Americans have granfathers from Europe, yes
The United States is the best
we have three polar bears in Tromsø
o vey shut it down
at least!
all stuffed
oh dinenr time
<:moonman2:361284629036269578> <:mohammad1:324039457776861184> <:mohammad1:324039457776861184>