Message from @! Q !
Discord ID: 363466593423851527
i rarely ever think about being white. i simply exist.
i love u guys
i left that fake cc
I love me too
Speaking of jews
the admin team is a disgrace
brit is okay tho
Why is Donald trump being all Jewy today?
That other server sucks I asked for golden pede and they just gave it to me
His tweets
Because I asked
@Grisk remember Donald Trump's son in law is <:merchant:360155656528986112>
As long as I have a place to talk about niggers I'll be around
lmao i asked for image perms and he wouldnt even give me that
@! Q ! tfw you vote for a globalist businessman because he is going to help the working class but then it turns out he's a zionist
Lol fire is in there now saying how cool they are
theres a reason we cucked that fag
this drama is giving me a headache
@Sed it's not the real cc
One look at the mod list will tell you
So what do you guys think of Donald trump being cucked by a jew?
yea, I know.
Also they immediately made an anime channel
Just feels weird
Like it was their top priority
There's like 60 people on that server
And it's stagnant
It's a ghost town over there
oh wait, we have dindu and pepe with a gun
I'm good now.
<:pepegun:356316958141972501> <:dindu:356316970733404161>
It looks like there are too many <:merchant:360155656528986112> around
<:pepegun:356316958141972501> 💥 <:dindu:356316970733404161>