Message from @KennyD
Discord ID: 363505907033833472
wtf LOL
i'd be the other girl
he was helping her train for a match
wrestling channel when?
if we had a wrestling channel I'd probably watch a few episodes of raw with you guys for the fuck of it
gotta give trish a lot of credit tho
<:ModsREE:356316860880388098> @41percent ๐ค
she basically started as just another random bimbo hire
so what exactly happened to the original cc?
@41percent Fixed it my friend
gonna be great when reigns beats lesnar clean at WM
sure sed...sure
in a row
he'll be the biggest baby face ever then <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
i had a funny vince gif somewhere
there we go rofl
fucking vince.
think vince is gay?
or bi or w/e
i dont know lol, hes an old man
probably straight
no way
i liked the rock
he was good back in 1999
I could see rock being gay tbh
i think i stopped watching around 2004 or so
that's probably around when I stopped watching religiously
can christians recognize Yom Kippur?