Message from @KennyD
Discord ID: 363506108549300224
wrestling channel when?
if we had a wrestling channel I'd probably watch a few episodes of raw with you guys for the fuck of it
gotta give trish a lot of credit tho
<:ModsREE:356316860880388098> @41percent 🤔
she basically started as just another random bimbo hire
so what exactly happened to the original cc?
@41percent Fixed it my friend
gonna be great when reigns beats lesnar clean at WM
sure sed...sure
lol 4th main event wm
in a row
he'll be the biggest baby face ever then <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
i had a funny vince gif somewhere
fucking vince.
think vince is gay?
or bi or w/e
i dont know lol, hes an old man
probably straight
no way
i liked the rock
he was good back in 1999
I could see rock being gay tbh
i think i stopped watching around 2004 or so
that's probably around when I stopped watching religiously
can christians recognize Yom Kippur?
i remember turning on the tv one night on tna and hulk hogan and the nwo were there rofl
poor scott hall, what a drunk lol
the rock’s wife before he divorced was ugly as shit but he wasn’t great looking at the time when they married anyway
Nash tore his quads getting out of bed
didn't vince tear both his getting in the ring? lol