Message from @41percent
Discord ID: 363504653628866561
I actually think reigns is pretty good but jesus, you need to fix that situation.
just turn him heel
trish ❤
if they just did the silent heel badass who has heyman talk for him it could have worked. instead they tried cena 2.0 and its bombed
she’s trash now she had her implants removed
now she’s just an itty tittie bitty bitch with an ugly nose
god damn though
they had some amazing looking women. trish, lita, dawn marie, kelly kelly, candice,
didn't she have them removed while she was still active?
wtf why'd she get them removed
her tits were not that big towards the end of her run
well they looked pretty big tbh
no after she retired
wtf LOL
i'd be the other girl
wrestling channel when?
if we had a wrestling channel I'd probably watch a few episodes of raw with you guys for the fuck of it
gotta give trish a lot of credit tho
<:ModsREE:356316860880388098> @41percent 🤔
she basically started as just another random bimbo hire
so what exactly happened to the original cc?
@41percent Fixed it my friend
gonna be great when reigns beats lesnar clean at WM
sure sed...sure
lol 4th main event wm
in a row
he'll be the biggest baby face ever then <:PepeSpecial:356316713429499905>
i had a funny vince gif somewhere