Message from @L.O.X
Discord ID: 554857500067889154
What is slowmode?
And why is it enabed?
@TheNikitis prob going to stops, not all in a time, but, okay
Nope, straight to germany
Here is JFK's situation room
@Cupcakes lax to Okinawa & lax to moscow
We would need to know what city in Russia
Flat earth map on JFK's Air Force 1
Here is another with JFK in the picture
hi everyone
@Cupcakes not sure if you got it backwards but from the AE map it looks like it would take more time to fly to japan. Not less
Can we boot I want to die?
Kid is straight up trolling.
Boot what
@Derek Nelson if that dude still does it go for it
Are interviews going again yet?
Are we still in "martial law?"
i think so
This man is my hero
"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply." - Nathan Mayer Rothschild
Don't worry, they'll figure something out to explain why we feel nothing even though the earth's orbital speed is 67,000 mph
Alright all. I have an announcement. Before I came here I was genuinely a lost soul. I had no idea what was going on or why you people even believed that the Earth was flat. I thought you were all crazy. But now, I've made up my mind. I'm changing my role to 100% Flat Earther. Thank you all.
Oh boy
What is that?
Old map
@Citizen Z may I send a pic?