Message from @bignigbarry
Discord ID: 366302434446016513
For the most part
Like sperm
arent related to niggers
Oranges and apples
Guys im pakistani can i get the pakistani role
whats good
Guys im getting cyberbullied by rick and morty fans
Lmao there is no such thing as a paki role haha
Idgaf i want it
He's climbing through your windows
He's snatching your people up
Get me the gass the muslims role pls
Get me the gass the jews role pls
How to join the book club
I read audio books
You cant 'read' Audio books
@bignigbarry ?uk
I think sargen is a little retarded
aint work
@bignigbarry in the commands channel
Are we allowed to promote our YTs or Twitches?
already tried
Is there a dutch role
Tf ur racist
I self identify as pakistan
Stop giving me reactions tbh
I'm racist
Same tbh
im not racist you fucking filthy nigger
I'm I racist for hating dutch people 🤔 ?