Message from @FremenCC
Discord ID: 367139020670631937
My favourite cartoon was courage the cowardly dog
All of these countries didn't just choose to go after Germany because they thought they were a bunch of failures. They were threatened by their dominance. @Scary_Clown
@Saxon Well they sure showed they were dominant
yo i realize that The Courage the Cowardly dog episode Star Maker
is about how feminism destroys the family
I dont, anime
at all
the 2 squids are the parents
fuck germany lol
America Number one
the 1 whale is the femineist
They were. How many Armies did it take to take out a little country of 80million
Anime is just something I never got into. I dont know, seems un-American to be a weeb
America sided with the Communists. The same people propagandizing our children and are fomenting a race war as we speak.
This chat is talking about anime again?
anime tropes are cancer
Hold it
@Saxon hitler declared war on the USA first
again, i have no idea what is mainstream or not. I just dont care for it
A majority of anime is cancer
Few shows are good
Anime in general is pretty cancer.
Evangelion Masterrace 😛
At this rate feminists are going to go full Reichskristallnacht soon
he really shouldn't have
Eva is good
Serial Experiment Lain too
@BuffaloBill yeah
Lain is godly
i liked the Pokemon game for the gameboy in 1996 or whatever, thats about it though
pokemon blue
whichever "Fine. Everything is fine." -@Scary_Clown
i actually found this lain theme website once