Message from @BuffaloBill
Discord ID: 367138872938987541
Jimmy Fallon is the only one i like
that was a great show
and Doug
@Saxon not really an argument tbh
New Hey Arnold movie coming
Doug Funny
My favourite cartoon was courage the cowardly dog
All of these countries didn't just choose to go after Germany because they thought they were a bunch of failures. They were threatened by their dominance. @Scary_Clown
@Saxon Well they sure showed they were dominant
yo i realize that The Courage the Cowardly dog episode Star Maker
is about how feminism destroys the family
I dont, anime
at all
the 2 squids are the parents
fuck germany lol
America Number one
the 1 whale is the femineist
They were. How many Armies did it take to take out a little country of 80million
Anime is just something I never got into. I dont know, seems un-American to be a weeb
America sided with the Communists. The same people propagandizing our children and are fomenting a race war as we speak.
This chat is talking about anime again?
Mainstream anime is cancer
anime tropes are cancer
Hold it
@Saxon hitler declared war on the USA first
again, i have no idea what is mainstream or not. I just dont care for it
A majority of anime is cancer
Few shows are good
Anime in general is pretty cancer.
Evangelion Masterrace 😛
At this rate feminists are going to go full Reichskristallnacht soon
he really shouldn't have
Eva is good
Serial Experiment Lain too
@BuffaloBill yeah