Message from @Thicc Trash
Discord ID: 555173225949298708
The Nazi's are down there and we have to stop them
do u mean the NSDAP
the marinara trench is 7 miles down
The proof is in the evil Nazi documents
nah u mean the vrill
whats at the bottom of the marinara trench? easy. nazis.
They had to go somewhere
Okay because everyone in vc is afraid, i would like to bring my statements here
anyone wanna debate?
u a flat earther?
imma roundie
ima rubix cuber
because according to them, gravity is a lie
yo my best times are 51 seconds
😒 🔫
i personally think that is absurd
and would like to disprove them with their favorite subject
gravity is true legit just jump and gravity will pull u down
so if anyone wants to debate
What if your belief in gravity is actually what is pulling you down
bring it on
✊ 🔪
stap lol
Alright, @Doug Walker has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.
haven't seen anyone flying idk bout u
excuse me
Once you realize you don't have to sleep anymore, phew, your mind--goes wild.
im an anti gravity believer
ok idubbbz
@razzahopkins photograph of the center of the Earth please