Message from @Lord_Caesar
Discord ID: 555227841990754315
That schmuck
VC is best when toxic
Human Sheeples may u send the pictures I showed u
How long until I get promoted to verified?
Usually verified is by answering questions in VC
@Human Sheeple how are you still doing this flat earth thing when you've been proven wrong already
on every point
Questions the Gwench asks you
Ok thx
yo how is everyone?
@Seeker of Truth where is the scientific experiment proving density alone makes things fall
Aye scraps
thats good to hear
yo weeb
I’m great
you first, prove r, prove gravity, which ever flavor of gravity
Look I’m a student now
Can’t wait to get verified
Yeah as a flat earther
Wait... I just realized that’s why I was in detention
now over 57 million a day
the density thing is a good point
like how is it that things can float in water
u are a good point
but the water itself is pulled down by gravity?
i like u
but if you drop the object in air, it too falls
like i said i like u
the only thing I can think is that the water is providing resistence?
but that resistance has to be more than gravity???