Message from @Scraps
Discord ID: 555413237244624896
I climbed the ice wall
Is this still going on?
@Kozzamou I know God, he answers my prayers from time to time
@Human Sheeple see u are airing me cause u got no proof
I melted the ice wall
and yea candle it gets better
@Human Sheeple show me a pic of the "flat earth" and how do u get to the other side of the "flat earth"
@Human Sheeple because there’s a thing called gravity you idiot
I made the ice wall in the fridge
and you think god can do evertything?
@Аnоnумоus What's gravity? Can you manipulate this for me please?
no we cant
@Human Sheeple @Human Sheeple show me a pic of the "flat earth" and how do u get to the other side of the "flat earth"
thats the thing about it
So you can't show cause and effect, that's not scientific
we cant manipulate sounds
@Human Sheeple The pic is a meme but ok lol
@Human Sheeple @Human Sheeple show me a pic of the "flat earth" and how do u get to the other side of the "flat earth"
Guys you´re all stupid we live on a dino
No legs no Movement
ciel has the right idea
explain this human
@Human Sheeple can god do anything?
this image is bad
hey peeps
yo howard
Tf is that
Fine how do u get to other side
@Kozzamou No God, hes fake Ik I go to a Christian School
Watch a ship sail off to sea
Without being in the sky, it is impossible to see the curvature of the Earth. However, you can always see a demonstration of this if you visit a harbor or any place with a wide-open view of the water.
If you are able to watch a ship sail off to sea, watch its mast and flag as it fades off into the distance. You will notice that, in fact, it does not "fade off into the distance" at all; instead, you will see its mast and flag appear to slowly sink. The ship sailed beyond the point at which you would see it. Just to be sure, bring a pair of binoculars with you so that you can see even farther off into the distance.
It's as if you're watching it go over to the other side of a hill. This phenomenon can only be explained by a sphere-shaped planet.