Message from @ALL MIGHT
Discord ID: 555412997049286677
@Human Sheeple show me a pic of the "flat earth" and how do u get to the other side of the "flat earth"
lol no
the ice wall isnt a thing
have you gotten stuck in the ice wall?
I’ve sailed around the world how do you explain that
Have u seen the ice wall
@Аnоnумоus Why don't I fall off the edge of your flat universe?
do you guys believe in god/gods?
this again
I was a Wildling
and no
I climbed the ice wall
Is this still going on?
@Kozzamou I know God, he answers my prayers from time to time
I melted the ice wall
and yea candle it gets better
@Human Sheeple show me a pic of the "flat earth" and how do u get to the other side of the "flat earth"
@Human Sheeple because there’s a thing called gravity you idiot
I made the ice wall in the fridge
and you think god can do evertything?
@Аnоnумоus What's gravity? Can you manipulate this for me please?
no we cant
@Human Sheeple @Human Sheeple show me a pic of the "flat earth" and how do u get to the other side of the "flat earth"
thats the thing about it
So you can't show cause and effect, that's not scientific
we cant manipulate sounds
@Human Sheeple The pic is a meme but ok lol
@Human Sheeple @Human Sheeple show me a pic of the "flat earth" and how do u get to the other side of the "flat earth"
can you manipulate air at a will?
Guys you´re all stupid we live on a dino
No legs no Movement
ciel has the right idea