Message from @Fusion

Discord ID: 369580095930892288

2017-10-16 20:16:27 UTC  

Because I guess people *in* North Korea just have free access to chat rooms lol

2017-10-16 20:16:33 UTC  

@! Q ! WHYTHO is a sister fister

2017-10-16 20:16:34 UTC  


2017-10-16 20:16:58 UTC  

I want three things: the wall to be built, Kebab to be removed, and the kiddie fiddlers in Hollywood and DC to be in prison.

2017-10-16 20:17:07 UTC  

Don't believe your Jew run media kenny

2017-10-16 20:17:14 UTC

2017-10-16 20:17:20 UTC  

fuck not kenny, benny, my bad

2017-10-16 20:17:23 UTC  

@whytho I haven’t read/watched MSM in years.

2017-10-16 20:17:38 UTC  

So where is your NK news coming from?

2017-10-16 20:17:41 UTC  

Build the Wall, Drain the Swamp, & Lock Her Up!!!!!!

2017-10-16 20:17:42 UTC  

Kenny my penny

2017-10-16 20:17:46 UTC  

@whytho I also don’t trust the Daily Stormer or other nonsense.

2017-10-16 20:17:55 UTC  

Democrats are the real racists amirite? pandering to all those niggers

2017-10-16 20:18:03 UTC  

People reporting news with an agenda are never accurate.

2017-10-16 20:18:16 UTC  

The fact that the DPRK is growing isnt from the daily stormer its from South Korea

2017-10-16 20:18:42 UTC  

biscoff ❤

2017-10-16 20:18:43 UTC  

@whytho China grew under Mao, but still starved millions of Chinese.

2017-10-16 20:18:45 UTC  

So this melon is on the way out and it tastes a strange misture of mostly good with some yuckyness. <:FeelsGoodMan:356316480645890048>

2017-10-16 20:18:47 UTC  

(Also Fascists agree with every statement you said before, that you said you wanted)

2017-10-16 20:19:09 UTC  

Ah you know, all dictators are actually weather gods

2017-10-16 20:19:23 UTC  

Stalin could controll the weather, and he forced the famine to happen

2017-10-16 20:19:26 UTC  

War's begun

2017-10-16 20:19:31 UTC  

@whytho Lets start over. Lets agree to disagree on the DPRK. It’s a shithole, you think otherwise.

2017-10-16 20:19:32 UTC  

Kurds vs Iraqis

2017-10-16 20:19:41 UTC  

Sure lol

2017-10-16 20:19:42 UTC  

The DPRK is a shithole tho

2017-10-16 20:19:43 UTC  

@whytho How do **you** define fascism?

2017-10-16 20:19:49 UTC  

@Fusion Old news. <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>

2017-10-16 20:20:00 UTC  

Not in the news channel 😭

2017-10-16 20:20:04 UTC  


2017-10-16 20:20:06 UTC  

There we go

2017-10-16 20:20:06 UTC  

Should have been there last night when I discussed it with trent

2017-10-16 20:20:07 UTC  


2017-10-16 20:20:10 UTC  


2017-10-16 20:20:15 UTC  

or at least third positionism

2017-10-16 20:20:20 UTC  

isreal gonna get in that war

2017-10-16 20:20:23 UTC  

They were planning on moving

2017-10-16 20:20:26 UTC  

now they've actually moved

2017-10-16 20:20:28 UTC  


2017-10-16 20:20:29 UTC  

@whytho I’m working on a graduate degree while working full time, sorry I missed it.