Message from @sithfreeman
Discord ID: 363502296329355264
So, we still on the same Minecraft server as before, or we moving operations to a new server?
@futurestorms RAGE is a rly gud game
it was like what laid the foundation for DOOM 4 (2017)
@Deleted User Cool. I'm enjoying the quality of the game. It is a bit driving heavy though.
I will probably get doom 4 at some point.
I'd love to find a game that people on here play, like together. I know that's how a lot of people met and ended up here.
@Bar of Candy The old MC server has been updated to reflect this server
How 2 make minecraft stop lagging?
more dedotated wam
Anyone playing vainglory here?
henlo pls i need free meinkrampft accountto play on server!!!!!
@here Free game until Sept. 30! I highly recommend it!
do we have a minecraft server
@VicariousJambi Yes, ping 'King about it
is it the old one?
cause im in the old one
its just not updated
Yeah, i'll ping him about it
i love fallout 1
classic fallout is fucking awesome
@StevePines -WA lol
>Gatling gun vs trebuchet
You're playing on a pretty low difficulty @StevePines -WA
if you some how dont have fallout 1 it is free on steam for a day
@Deleted User it's just Prince, standard
That's low 😂😂
You must be new
How much for a decent laptop? Not a 'gaming laptop' (pretty sure those are out of my price range) but it would be used as such
700 dollars
If your lucky 650
Go for a quad core i7 and ddr4 memory
I'd recommend IPS display