Message from @Noxar
Discord ID: 466927366208487448
yeah just research on where to find actual developers
I think some autist in <#356288574485954561> like me is no use
some fags apparently already made a parody of it
but it doesnt use real cryptos to play just monopoly moneys
Does anyone know what could be causing my wifi adapter to shit out every time I download something or watch a video
It just shuts off and windows gives me the bullshit "windows could not turn on the device" or something, forgot the actual message
I've tried literally everything online and tried many different drivers but this piece of shit fucking netgear garbage wont work
Hopefully someone here has had this problem before and fixed it and could maybe help
I have to reconnect it to another USB port until I run out of ones I haven't used yet then I have to restart my pc
@SchloppyDoggo You forgot to add that Terry made his own compiler
he made the compiler in 6 days and rested on the 7th
Fusion drive vs SSD- what should I get?
I'm mainly going to be doing pre-med student things on it (Microsoft office xDDDD), playing Minecraft, general web browsing etc. Maybe a bit of photoshop and Lightroom as well
I'll be updating the memory aftermarket (27" imacs still have the flap in which you can change the ram sticks without voiding warranty). What GB of ram should I be looking to upgrade to
You are getting ripped off
@/pol/tard Don't get a fusion drive
A fusion drive is also known as a hybrid drive
It is part HDD and part SSD
And you can't really decide what gets SSD performance and what gets HDD performance
Also don't get an iMac or Mac Mini, they aren't very good
Either get a laptop or build a pc
Ok. Thanks! I was just actually looking at the new MacBook pros (released a couple of hours ago!) The 15" ones are OP as shit man... 4tb SSD and crazy ram & processor options lolll
protip: mine 0xBTC and 0xLTC on the pool and profit double - get both tokens at the same time. its a new erc20 mining method called merge mining. if you want to get in on this. its a for sure 25x position.
@SchloppyDoggo schizophrenia a badass disorder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What the heck are you talking about man.Everybody knows down syndrome is the most badass disorder ever.
ironically gas youself @XLM
good meme
@SchloppyDoggo DIDNT GET THAT MEME!!!!
i want them