Saint Anon of /pol/

Discord ID: 188973436264120320

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I don't see a Paleocon role

But I guess I will get the right ranks

?rank libertarian

?rank cultural nationalist

?rank Chicago School

?rank newcomer


I have on question

Regarding the no racism rule

We are talking about unjustified hate right?

Data is fine, right?

Just in case it comes up

It shouldn't

You guys haven't had Capitalism for a long time, it's more like a light version of Corporatism

You had capitalism during the 18th century


It's nice to know that you aren't cucks, like the guys on a republican server I've been on. I sent them the criminality data for Muslims in Europe and they baned me for racism.

The last post I saw was: "did he just confuse Arabs with Muslims on purpose?"

>naming mods border security
I think I'll do that on my server too.

I don't. And my discord is private for security and political reasons. My server is for political operations, not for the general public.


We started small for now

But I have contacted a larger group

That has been involved in Sweden, Spain, Romania, Germany and Hungary.

I'll meet one of their operatives in a few weeks

Time to flex with my BB gun

It is a 1 to 1 replica, so it can be converted if necessary

I'm from Romania btw

What are you in China for? Work? Tourism?

I sound like border control

Only the grip is plastic

But that can be removed and changed into a wooden one if need be

The rest is full metal

Costed me 100 bucks

Where do you live?

Get out of there while you can


The ANC isn't fucking around

We were preparing for the Cambridge Exam in school

for the Speaking bit

and a question came up

"Who is your role model"

At first I was thinking of a few people that most people don't know anything about

Then it hit me

I could talk about Trump

and I did

Well they invented intersectionality

because they need a class to frame

as the opressor vs the opressed

that is what their entire narrative is based upon

and intersectionality provides infinite opressed and opressor classes

Also, just as a tip in general

even though we as the right are the paragons of truth, we have truth on our side

If needed

you should still lie to push your political agenda

The Left can't be reasoned with anymore

so go all out

You should lie. It doesn't matter, the left needs to be defeated at all costs

Havin the moral high ground doesn't mean anything if you aren't winning

Everything and anything if it pushes the right's agenda

Or tell half truths

An example is the lie that "The german people were disarmed during WW2 under Hitler, just like the left wants us to be!"

That is a lie

The Germans were allowed gun ownership under The Third Reich

The Jews weren't

But it suits as a political point

And it works

if the public doesn't know the historical details

Or the lie that "Constitutionalism is as old as the Magna Carta"

The Magna Carta wasn't anything resembling a constitution

and it wasn't even followed that much

but it does help legitimize the Right's cause

The left lies when it's convenient

So it's time we do that also

>3D Plastic guns being sold

How would you regulate that?

Get a fake one and LARP

Aren't wee all deep down in our hearts?

I'll try them all

Once I go to Serbia

Be sure to not cut yourself in that edge

respek whamen

Holy fuck, that's great

ThE EcOnOmY Is GoNnA CrAsH AnD BuRn UnDeR TrUmP!

He only wants counter tarrifs

Which are justified.

Again, Free Trade works if there are no tarrifs on both sides

The US can afford some tarrifs

It will hurt other countries more than the US economy

Just putting an electronics tariff of 25% on electronics would make the EU collapse as an example

They fled because it was cheaper to operate over there

And because of excessive regulations

And excessive taxes

That already happens Stephen

Unironically it does.

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