Message from @PainSeeker5
Discord ID: 497380857363824648
hello fellow gamers
hello fellow mac gamers
is the Crew 3 any good?
optional MMO best MMO
also because god tier rally tracks
thanos car
taking the night to OC my 8086K, currently at 4998MHz, gonna toy around with the BCLK some more, apparently Z370 has a much better ability to take changes to the BCLK without fucking itself
hey fellow kids, we all enjoy the activity of buying shady businesses from dune coons, right?
R32 > R34
And rx7 fc is kang
@✠✝Nickolas, Crusader of God✝✠ YOU ARE LITERALLY A HEATHAN
and if you doubt me, just look up rob dahm, AWD 4 rotor FD RX7
The fact that you would make a rx7 AWD is a disgrace
it's basically a cross between the hoonicorn and an R35 GTR, with the RX7 body
Mixing a rotary to lose its balanced front and rear end weight distribution is a sin
it's for drag
so balance is less of a factor,
ig if you are doing drag then
>better than anything
shit taste
I watch a lot of 1320video so, with performance as a factor, yeah the R35 is better than the R33 and R32
if you're going for performance then why not just get a corvette
its a lot faster for half the price
looks wise the r35 is the fat, ugly duckling of the bunch
jeez how do you call yourself a conservative if you ignore obvious facts
I stated that I watch a lot of 1320 video, which features a lot of drag racing
The R35 and R34 allow for the most possible upgrades, and increases in performance. Things such as weight reduction, power adders, larger tires, better/lower suspension, etc.
the R33 and R32, stock, cannot fit more than a 270 wide tire