Message from @Ætos
Discord ID: 556382763197136906
Actually it could be Mike. . .
It makes for good entertainment, Lee
That’s enough Human Sheeple
Hugh Mungus body with a tiny wiener.
Called tf out
The most tiny of wiener. @🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄
got me
your name's been reset gay boy
Geez Human Sheeple
Damn, lmao
This is great 😆
I'm laughing so hard I'm afraid of waking up my babies 😆
unrelated image but just putting this here in case anyone wants to use it ever
Is it meme time?
Perhaps moooooo
his name is otis
Lee that was one sexy cough
I need to earn how to cough like that
But my name is Hugh.
Hugh Mungus
Maybe Soldz would get off my back, then
please unmute lounge rythm
Btw, just to clarify this since Soldz is kind of a dick.
Have some context.
Soldz is the cause of all my suffering in the world.
Just block them then
She memed me to 4 thousand people.
It's the internet