Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 556526003745194024
bruh sheeple wtf are u doing
i'm losing brain cells
i think that is all this server has done since i joined
tf lmao
Hello fellow flatties
Hello fellow daties
Hello fellow faties
faties lmao
I'm not allowed to strangers
If the earth is not flat then how does water not float when you spill it
The earth is a velociraptor
if the earth is flat why are balls round
i did my scientific research
Donald trump can you please tell all Americans that the earth is flat
One of the best documented methods for determining the Earth's roundness was first performed (to our knowledge) by the ancient Greeks. This was achieved by comparing the shadows of sticks in different locations. When the sun was directly overhead in one place, the stick there cast no shadow. At the same time in a city around 500 miles north, the stick there did cast a shadow.
If the Earth were flat then both sticks should show the same shadow (or lack of) because they would be positioned at the same angle towards the sun. The ancient Greeks found the shadows were different because the Earth was curved and so the sticks were at different angles. They then used the difference in these angles to calculate the circumference of the Earth. They managed to get it to within 10% of the true value – not bad for around 250 B.C.
Another piece of evidence for a globe is the difference between the night skies in the northern and southern hemispheres. The view is completely different because the Earth beneath you is pointing in a different direction. If the Earth were flat, the view should be the same. This can be made even easier by simply comparing when it is night and day in each country.
You can observe the planets as well. They all rotate, and watching over the course of a few days gives a clear picture they are spherical rather than flat. The chance that most of the planets are spherical but the Earth is flat seems very unlikely.
Well I know for sure when I'm flying above the plain there is absolutely no curve...and that's a fact
I fly in an airplane. In the air over a plane...tadaaaah
@Deleted User nah mate if the earth was round all water would have flown off it
oh any by the way
flying an airplane wont show you the curve
going very far up will though
<@&484512215764828162> can someone unmute me?
VC mute
baby apologist
i saw u from the video
Yes hello
Yes yes