Message from @Weissest
Discord ID: 499131942801768459
Upon that the staff took golden away from al the long time members.
Yeah when you go inactive you lose Golden
@฿ⱤɆӾł₮ɆɆⱤ did you get some tea
I lost mine for saying we should bomb the middle east.
There are the truths. Take them as they are or deny them.
Your choice.
Best strongest tea there is
King removed your prestigious 5 months ago
When you were inactive
I was never inactive.
Wtf are you talking about
Sure seems like 5 months ago you were
Oh yeah I don't make your most active leaderboard.
Not everybody wants to stalk a discord server 24 hours a day
Wow! Arguing!
Yeah man
@฿ⱤɆӾł₮ɆɆⱤ is prestigious because he does want to stalk a discord server 24 hours a day
It's easier when you work from home
Not everyone wants to do it so not every gets the rank
You are full of shit. I am right.
What am I full of shit about
I said you were inactive 5 months ago
That is full of shit. I was not inactive for 5 months.
I didn’t say you were inactive for 5 months
ok, ok. yeah whatever
Imagine being this mad over an aesthetic role.
It’s like a fever
Tell the staff to be active and not to mute in voice chat. Get it going.
Let us start there
Might demod quatroking for inactivity
@TradChad pls help a fren in need
send me more safety blankets
Ban Quatro for obessive Anime posting
Being sick is no excuse
Against the rules
ban @Weissest for having a female avatar
I am not a faggot that is why I have a woman pfp