Message from @Human Sheeple
Discord ID: 556747570433490944 <:lul:484994724118134784>
They’re called I-phones because Eye-phones so they can spy on you through the camera
oh wait I thought you said drilled <:snapsnap:484956825863585792>
"Ha Satan" is the Hebrew ..for "The Satan" ..The Advisary
So built your own devices that don't use wifi, don't have cameras don't have microphones
I love how everyone says satan becuase they're christian but in reality the elite worship moloch
@Human Sheeple unfortunately can't do that
@April The illuminated Ones?
I've already looked into it
@April WON'T do it
I can do it
so can you
April she’s right
@April R U going to listen in VC
you can manufacture your own processor without any backdoors?
can you build the required hardware in phones?
WiFi let’s off harmful radiation and can cause brain damage
can you hack into cell towers to get service?
or deploy your own network I suppose
@realFlatEarther No I'm learning what the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
actually is, it's really shocking
these are massive issues that many people have been working at trying to replace
they're not really something you can DIY at home
Unless you get a secure connection with nordVPN using military grade encryption to keep your private stuff private use code:Malgafax at checkout to receive 80% for one day
@Human Sheeple going down the rabbit hole deep?
I get the real feeling the NZ shooter reckons by sitting on your ass doing nothing, 50 years from now that white people will be extinct.
<:lul:484994724118134784> lol more time
<:BigSmiles:556070613224259594> ☝
are you including southern europeans in your "white people"?
Santa can be changed into satan coincidence I think not
@April The Turks did a military invasion in 1974
What's happening now however is a non military invasion
@malgafax - yep, its an anagram for satan. pfft
northern europeans and southern europeans are racially/ethnically different
And basically the shooter is trying to argue it's ok to use military force against a non military invasion
or para-military force more specifically
Your wrong
You can’t just go shooting up random people because you think it’s an invasion