Message from @realFlatEarther
Discord ID: 556756314542440480
@Human Sheeple @CoolWeeaboo needs mute
unmute me ni g g e rs
Alright, @FLAT EARTH FARTHER has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.
Alright, @FLAT EARTH FARTHER has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.
@CoolWeeaboo don't cough in mic
I’m litterally defending myself an Weebu is helping
CY called me a terrorist
@malgafax you aren't even telling us about experiences you never had so just go
Hell NO
@malgafax I don't think you are a terrorist
@malgafax tell us what it was like before 9/11 I don't care if you didn't exist then
Just tell us
@FinnOP stop
Who cares
@realFlatEarther what?
PTC is gay
@realFlatEarther sorry chief
However after 9/11 new laws were rolled out worldwide to "protect us from terrorism" that used to mean muslims flying planes into buildings.
Turns out muslims didn't fly planes into buildings, turns out it was a false flag to snatch up Afghanistan and get rid of Saddam in Iraq.... but I digress
Yet now these new laws are being used to persecute European people who in their state of mind believe that the policies of open migration will lead to the end of the white race and this shooter feels he has the right to defend against "unarm invaders" with "armed force"
I care cause I’m not a terrorist,with cy telling me im dropping daisy cutters over Afghanistan
Don’t try changing this
Who is this cy person
Do you need me to have a polite chat with them
I think in all honesty the shooter is shooting up the wrong people, the migrants come because of benefits, it's the people who have made these migration benefits policies who are either reallly incompetent or are deliberately facilitiating this.
Why didn't the shooter take out the policy makers?
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔
What shooter?
Oh yeah she is like that I think
Talking about NZ?
The Christchurch shooter
I read his manefesto
You wanted the shooter to shoot someone else