Message from @1989年天安门广场大屠杀
Discord ID: 501302128736993283
TV license needs to be abolished, it's outdated.
tfw you fund the bbc
Vive la revolution
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Is it true you need a loicense to ride a fucking bike in the UK?
tfw bbc says original british were black
tfw cop confiscates your bike wheel
Based and redpilled.
tfw bbc thinks there is discrimination against black dogs because they're black
I ride a bike without a license
tfw arresting muslim rapists is taboo
Arrest me officer
*Porn license*
I remember when I use to watch BBC News extensively. Now it's Sky News who are way better.
<:npc:500426131493617684> Do not arrest Muslims. They are exempt from our laws because of Islamophobia.
tfw you have to enter id to access porn sites
Ban porn
Its degenerate
Have they not implemented that porn system yet?
tfw your teacher makes your daughter write letters about converting to islam
Where you have to sign up to an online database to access porn?
Please rate new gun
They said it was going to happen in like April but I heard nothing more on it.
Porn is filthy
but the government deciding what you can access is filthier
<:npc:500426131493617684> Porn is good for you.
<:npc:500426131493617684> I never lie.
Nah, am for the Government blocking porn.
I would be for them blocking porn if that was the only thing they'd block
but you know that it aint
wtf is going on here
<:npc:500426131493617684> Pedosexuals are people too.
<:npc:500426131493617684> Hello my fellow unique and special person.
fuck... im only mod around
means i gotta watch you children
blocking porn
finds out you can find mild porn on youtube
blocks youtube
oops we accidentally blocked off their access to alternate media