Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 500793077850439692
Hello @Cuck Fensorship, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.
1. Old Chads discord. Looks like some power struggles over ownership. I've been a casual/weekender Chad/Trenchcoat Mafioso who doesn't know enough about the internal politics to take sides
2. Huwite male
3. Former Lolbertarian, now "alt-right-adjacent"
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link) From cultro
2. Ethnicity? White, Germanic, Saxon
3. Political ideology? Nationalist, fascist.
4. Religious views/faith? Agnostic, raised protestant
5. Thoughts on Jews? Not a big fan.
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation. Fascist dictatorship, one party state, White only, net-zero immigration and if there is immigration it is white and of people who are culturally Germanic or Anglo, Imperialistic with colonies in Africa that improve things there but do not allow immigration from those regions, instead using the natural resources there to improve our nation and theirs. Commitee of architecture and investment in architecture and infrastructure means high speed trains, classical or stripped classical architecture, very well planned cities due to state intervention with good grided out roads for the most part. Soft eugenics program that pays average/high IQ healthy couples to have children. Sorry if overly descriptive.
4. Atheist
Yes. I'm the anglo
@Cuck Fensorship there is no power struggle
5. Among "conspiracy theories" proven true, the JQ really doesn't interest me all that much. I'll guard the fucking camps if it pays well.
6. Rolling back immigration policy to the "Nifty Fifties" sounds like a great idea. Same with the nuclear family, blue-collar working-class values, freedom of speech, gun rights etc. Build the fucking Wall already, it's 50 years past due. I don't know what to do about increasing Internet censorship except my screen name, but I've already read this dystopian cyberpunk novel we're living in now and it doesn't end well. I'd rather live in a nation of MAGApedes, Proud Boys and Nazi shitposters than what the pan-ethnic NWO globalists have in mind.
Hello @GrandInquisitor, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.
1. Someone sent me a link; I was in the old discord
2. Puerto Rican
3. Clerical Fascist Monarchy
4. Roman Catholic
5. A suspicious bunch who practice heresy and partake in questionable political/economic acts.
6. An empire that covers all Hispanic nations in the Americas. It would be an absolute monarchy that uses principles from Clerical Fascism, and would be a deeply religious society.
The economy would be corporatism
<@&499820698844397579> what's funny?
You being a Spic
So? People should be proud of their identity.
So am I not being vetted then?
No non whites
Hello @Lecian, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.
Hello <@458392632071159811>, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.
1. How did you get into this server? google
2. Ethnicity? black
3. Political ideology? marxist
4. Religious views/faith? atheist
5. Thoughts on Jews? good people but i dont like israels practices as a state
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation. - chile under salvador allende before the whole coup
@Deleted User <@&499823355017297922> hey can i get voice vetted thanks
Hello @Monrette, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.
Hello @Hemispherical, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*
1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.
Mods must be sleeping
I'm waiting in VC Vetting.
Just answer vetting questions
I'm in voice and am I am waiting to answer.