Message from @The High Ground

Discord ID: 500645424063840256

2018-10-13 12:01:37 UTC  

doesnt mean im antifa

2018-10-13 12:02:38 UTC  

just wanted to know what it was about

2018-10-13 12:02:50 UTC  

and if they even had one

2018-10-13 12:03:17 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:03:20 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:03:51 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:03:59 UTC  

oh yeah sorry

2018-10-13 12:04:19 UTC  

idak how to make it white

2018-10-13 12:06:06 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:07:19 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:07:58 UTC  

It's okay

2018-10-13 12:08:37 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:11:16 UTC  

i wouldn't mind that

2018-10-13 12:11:43 UTC  

**EXCEPT** if they came to where i live

2018-10-13 12:13:02 UTC  

Hold up

2018-10-13 12:13:26 UTC  

So you be saying that there's a nigger in my wp server

2018-10-13 12:13:53 UTC  


2018-10-13 12:16:34 UTC  

Aight so for starters I can't let you in because that would subvert our values as a white only discord server, but you can support our movement by beating up commies in the name of american nationalism and joining a different server.

2018-10-13 12:17:54 UTC  

aight, understandable

2018-10-13 12:25:40 UTC  

Anyways if you're interested in the movement, the best you can do is set an example for others in your community through self-improvement and being a good hard working person. Blacks don't have someone to look up to that isn't a stupid rapper that just contributes to their disgraceful american culture and failure here, become that person and encourage others to follow and lead in meaningful ways.

2018-10-13 12:26:10 UTC  

If you wanna make a difference in this country then you need to start with your community

2018-10-13 12:54:10 UTC  

Hello @account no longer active, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 13:09:34 UTC  

1. Portal 2
2. White (and proud of it!)
3. Anarcho-monarchism
4. Christian; non-denominational
5. I take the approach that Rockwell seemed to have taken (all Jews are innocent until proven guilty, but the majority of the Jewish population probably are anyway)
6. In short, my perfect society would separate all races into their own respective ethnostates. There would also be an exclusively free market economy, and all of this would be maintained by a constitutional monarchy. Oh, and all leftists would immediately be killed on sight regardless of context, women would have no rights, and there would be total isolation from other countries and respective races within them.

2018-10-13 14:35:22 UTC  

Hello <@500676805674532874>, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 15:17:36 UTC  

Hello @DeadEyes, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 15:17:52 UTC  


2018-10-13 15:18:04 UTC  

Is this a new chad?

2018-10-13 15:18:25 UTC  


2018-10-13 15:19:31 UTC  

1. Cultro sent me an invite

2018-10-13 15:19:42 UTC  

2. Indo-European

2018-10-13 15:20:22 UTC  

3. leaning Authoritarian right

2018-10-13 15:21:02 UTC  


2018-10-13 15:21:10 UTC  

5. JQ needs to be addressed

2018-10-13 15:21:27 UTC  

6. It'd take a lot of time

2018-10-13 19:31:00 UTC  

Hello @Moose, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 19:32:46 UTC  

1. RNN
2. Huwite
3. Neo natzi white supremacist
4. #Pagang
5. Disgusting if not cooked right
6. White empire with no other races left alive on planet earth. Aryans in Space kinda deal.

2018-10-13 19:33:21 UTC  

Oh and I watch anime so the japs can live but they gotta stay on their little island or they get a couple more nukes

2018-10-13 19:48:54 UTC  

Hello <@500753662700945429>, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 20:02:37 UTC  

1. 4chan /pol/
2. Nordic
3. Right-libertarianism
4. Pagan
5. Always do the opposite of what jews say
6. White only

2018-10-13 20:17:08 UTC  

@Storm can I be in

2018-10-13 21:47:54 UTC  

Hello @Manny, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.