Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 500826265268387840

2018-10-13 22:13:02 UTC  


2018-10-13 22:13:33 UTC  

<@&499820698844397579> what's funny?

2018-10-13 22:13:41 UTC  

You being a Spic

2018-10-13 22:14:10 UTC  

So? People should be proud of their identity.

2018-10-13 22:15:12 UTC  


2018-10-13 22:15:35 UTC  

So am I not being vetted then?

2018-10-13 22:15:44 UTC  


2018-10-13 22:15:49 UTC  

No non whites

2018-10-13 22:16:00 UTC  


2018-10-13 22:33:26 UTC  

Hello @Lecian, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 22:34:25 UTC  

Hello <@458392632071159811>, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-13 22:36:05 UTC  

1. How did you get into this server? google
2. Ethnicity? black
3. Political ideology? marxist
4. Religious views/faith? atheist
5. Thoughts on Jews? good people but i dont like israels practices as a state
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation. - chile under salvador allende before the whole coup

2018-10-13 22:36:31 UTC  

@Deleted User <@&499823355017297922> hey can i get voice vetted thanks

2018-10-13 22:37:59 UTC  

Hello @Monrette, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-14 00:18:09 UTC  

Hello @Hemispherical, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-14 00:21:28 UTC  

Mods must be sleeping

2018-10-14 00:21:41 UTC  

I'm waiting in VC Vetting.

2018-10-14 00:23:12 UTC  

Just answer vetting questions

2018-10-14 00:24:07 UTC  

I'm in voice and am I am waiting to answer.

2018-10-14 00:24:44 UTC  


2018-10-14 00:24:46 UTC  


2018-10-14 00:24:52 UTC  

I can't VC rn

2018-10-14 00:25:44 UTC  

What don't you understand

2018-10-14 00:27:02 UTC  

I am doing what was instructed

2018-10-14 00:28:20 UTC  


2018-10-14 00:28:26 UTC  

Text chat your answers

2018-10-14 00:28:57 UTC  

Go back to playing infantile video games child.

2018-10-14 00:29:52 UTC  


2018-10-14 00:45:59 UTC  

Hello @Adeline, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-14 00:47:00 UTC  


2018-10-14 01:04:02 UTC  

Hello @FullNetalJackass, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-14 01:05:11 UTC  

i got kicked and added back in. Idk why but I really don't feel like explaining that I have beliefs that some consider "radical"

2018-10-14 02:34:28 UTC  

Hello @Ajax Glitter, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-14 02:57:17 UTC  

Hello @Westoman, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-14 03:04:47 UTC  

1. A friend who’s in here
2. Anglo Saxon
3. National capitalism
4. Non denominational
5. Subversive parasitic race that delta on the destruction of a nation for survival
6. No Jews, no nigs, no spics, race mixing laws, anti sodomy laws, meritocratic government system based on honor/past success

2018-10-14 03:13:37 UTC  

Hello @Deleted User, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-14 04:37:46 UTC  

Hello @ɹǝqqqᴉu ʎɐƃ, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-14 05:05:10 UTC  

Hello @Deleted User, welcome to **The Chads**; A far right-wing political server with a long and eccentric history of being on Discord somehow. If you'd like access to our shitpost vault then you'd need to answer these questions. *Pinko scum and anime-fags may be begrudgingly accepted.*

1. How did you get into this server? (Where was the link)
2. Ethnicity?
3. Political ideology?
4. Religious views/faith?
5. Thoughts on Jews?
6. Please explain your picture-perfect nation.

2018-10-14 05:06:17 UTC  

1. Right cafe
2. European
3. Patriarchal traditionalist monarchist
4. Orthodox Christian
5. I’m redpilled on the JQ
6. Anti degeneracy, singular race, unified people, etc

2018-10-14 05:06:34 UTC  


2018-10-14 05:06:51 UTC  
