Message from @MrLeonVWF
Discord ID: 557475377409294341
What am i saying lol
8in of curvature per mile sq
And I claim not a perfct sphere
Its not a perfect sphere though. Globers or how ever you call us know its not a perfectly sphere
I am a globeling
If you want, get a stencil and take a recent image of earth from anyone. And it will show its not perfectly round
Alright, <@!221423521824374785> has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.
That video is the Eratosthenes experiment, Xexot
They have dealt with this before
In back baby
You laugh, Letter?
The earth is not flat
I rule these lands
I think it is 100% healthy to challange everything as to why i dont mind flat earthers. But its not healthy to challange evidence from scientistz
Ya yeet
Well I mean I'm not stupid
@♡♡cute but psycho♡♡ DOES CAFFEINE EVERY DAY
So yes the earth is not flat
Anyone got any knowledge on fine dust/yellow dust happening in China and south east asia? Is this also a conspiracy? @The Gwench
Up all night?
oi Dumbledore
I don’t sleep, lel
Lol its not stupid to think the earth is flat. Infact, its healthy to challange things we learn. Its not healthy to challange the evidence. Imo though @letter_lover
Because a scientist vs a guy on youtube i know who im standing with
Alright, @letter_lover has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.
You called me a bitch?
You don’t get it.
Agent Smith can’t touch me